The Wakelet Blog

How to use Wakelet in the workplace

Written by Misbah Gedal | Feb 7, 2019 6:49:55 PM

Do you struggle to get organized? Need a new way to present research and showcase your successes? Misbah Gedal explains how he uses Wakelet in the workplace

The ability to organize is one of those skills that’s often regarded as a character trait. I’ve had many conversations with friends and colleagues over the years and the ones that have struggled with organization always say they just ‘aren’t built that way.’ We wrongly assume that organization is just something that some people can, and some people can’t, do.

Today, there’s no excuse for not being organized, especially in work. There are so many tools available; tools that help us make appointments, tools to track our progress, and tools to plan projects. However, in my opinion, the platform that’s helped me get organized the most is Wakelet (and I promise, it’s not just because I work here!)

There are so many different ways that people can use Wakelet but I want to talk about how I use it in the office.

Let me take you through a working week with Wakelet…

Monday: Presenting research

Research is an important part of many roles, including mine. Using Wakelet, I can quickly add my online research into a collection and share it with the rest of the team. Whether it’s a YouTube video, an article, PDF or social media post, I can save it to a collection instantly, add my own notes and images, and then present it to my team in an engaging, meaningful way.

In the past, I’d spend a lot of time creating PowerPoint presentations, painstakingly piecing them together and trying to add hyperlinks and media in an attempt to make them as useful as possible. Now, I can simply save any type of media into a Wakelet collection, quickly organize it, and then share it. I can also add my team as contributors to the collection, which allows them to add their own content and notes!

Tuesday: Capturing feedback  

We love receiving feedback from our Community, so I’ve made a habit of saving some of my favourite tweets. If a user tweets out a suggestion for the platform, I’ll use the Wakelet browser extension to quickly save the tweet straight into my ‘User Suggestion’ collection. I can then share the collection with our in-house development team to help guide new feature releases and enhancements. And when we release a new feature, I always save the great tweets we receive about it and share them with the team – it’s a fantastic way to share the love!

Wednesday: Showcase your wins

If you’ve had a great day at work, why not shout about it? Wakelet offers a great way to showcase your successes! If you’ve been working on a project or campaign, you can save all of the content it’s generated into a collection to share with your manager and team members. This could include reviews, positive social media reactions, press coverage, or even screenshots of analytics. Sharing these wins visually always makes more of an impact than a long, written email.

Thursday: Business trips

Planning business trips can be exhausting. When the Wakelet team headed out to the US, we planned out our multi-state adventure in a collection, creating an interactive itinerary that everyone could see and contribute to. This collection included Google Maps, flight times, travel documents, places to visit, LinkedIn profiles of people we were going to meet, and even places to grab a bite! When we landed in the US, we could easily refer back to our collection and use it as a guide to keep us on track.

Not only that, when we have guests visiting from another country we send them a Wakelet collection about Manchester to help them make the most of their stay. It features everything from great hotels and places to eat to travel directions to our office.

Friday: Conference time

One of the most useful ways we use Wakelet at work is when attending conferences and events. Most of the time, when you attend an event you come back with some business cards and a few good ideas. Instead, I like to curate my event experiences on the Wakelet app. I can quickly add the most useful content and resources I come across on-the-go, along with the LinkedIn profiles of new contacts, photos and videos of presentations and social media posts. It makes the conference a richer experience and something that I can share with the rest of the team back in the office.

There are many more ways that Wakelet can be used at work – I’m finding more every day! Do you use Wakelet in your workplace? We’d love to hear about it!